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Bow Tie
Ameristar Casino 4116 Washington Street, VicksburgDoors open at 7:00 pm and live music will begin at 8:00 pm at Ameristar Casino, 4116 Washington Street. For more information, contact 601-638-1000.
Heath Whittington
Beechwood Restaurant 4451 Clay Street, VicksburgLive music will be from 6:00 – 10:00 pm at The Beechwood, 4451 East Clay Street. For more information call 601-636-3761.
Gold in the Hills
Parkside Playhouse 101 Iowa Ave, VicksburgThe show will be on Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 2:00 pm at the Parkside Playhouse, 101 Iowa Avenue. The show is set in the […]